part of me is rotting away with this question. and I think I already know the answer, but about a month ago, my ex was "talking" to this girl...naturally I got jealous...I am a jealous woman, not extremely jealous...but jealous none the less, before our relationship I had a string of relationships that ruined my trust in men. so when i heard of him talking to her i asked questions...but only got the answers i asked nothing I signed into his myspace and looked at the messages and found one from him to her that I was not fond of...well that night i called furious cursing and really not letting him talk...come to find out she was there watching tv with day he decided he didn't want to try again with me..."ever" then ten seconds later said if i continued working on my issues that there might be a he's dating her...and well I want to know if I was wrong...part of me knows I was...I guess I just need to hear it
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
yes, you were. he was probably already considering leaving you for her. you going off the deep end and getting super jealous probably drove him into her arms. very common. the woman (or man, do it too) is so jealous that they make the relationship no more fun, and the relationship ends, which is precisely what they were trying to prevent.
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
You were wrong, but you had your reasons. Give him flowers and say your sorry.
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
yeah if he was your ex u should not be following him around and going into his personal stuff you could get in trouble with the law and possibly get a restraining order i know i had to put one on my ex
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
He was obviously on the fence... Your instincts were correct but yes you overreacted. He just needed to be given an ultimatum, probably in a little more business-like candor, if that is even possible with such an issue. This guy doesn't respond well to being yelled at. It certainly doesn't attract me. He wasn't property-- the only way to keep him would have been for him to like you better. It probably was not meant to be. Good riddance! There are other fish in the sea!
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
I see this thing from both sides, I can't decide!
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
if he is ur ex forget him. thats y he is ur ex.
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
You didn't necessarily "over react" over stepped your bounds. You had no rights to confront him about other girls if he's your ex. Now you've blown it with him. Time to move on.
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
You may have gotten angry and said some things that you shouldn't have but you must have been right to think that they might be attracted to each other if only a month later he's already dating her! And if you guys were together then he should know that you have a tendency to get jealous! He knows you and he knows what buttons not to push so I think it was mostly his fault. It seems like he goaded you into it.
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
Honestly, I would have reacted the same way you did. I think i would go crazy. I mean, he was technically cheating on you. I think you had EVERY right to act that way, and if thats how he reacted, your too good for him anyway. good luck! :)
DID I OVER REACT!?! guys and girls but mostly guys.?
Absolutely. Your jealously is what has been costing you your relationship with guys because they don't like to put up with females that are full of jealousy. No one likes to be cursed out or embarassed in front of people, so therefore it pays to treat other people the way that you want to be treated.
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