Monday, December 28, 2009

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you

If you're with a girl and the two of you are serious, say she's over your place and she's still sleeping. Would you go online and watch porn, then proceed to search for the star of that movie on Myspace or any other site like that? If yes...what are your motives...Intentional or just curious?

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

O boy.....well....unfortunatley this guy is showing at least the beginning stages of a sexual addiction. You may take the time to look into the signs of this addiction and perhaps see if he is willing to talk about the very least you need to be open and tell him that you feel disrespected (and most likely you now have some feelings of inadequacy and feel that there is maybe something "wrong" with you)

Respect yourself enough to not just blow it off...follow your intuition.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Thats a very descrpitive question....must of happened to you???

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Yes, all guys watch porn and/or have they're own collection, its unstoppable.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Anyone who watches porn is not being respectful to the one they claim to love.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)? they are going to hook up in real life with them come on.

im into PANDA porn

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

I've never looked for a porn star on myspace or any other site. I only look for them in porn.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Ummmm sounds like he is more interested in porn than the real thing laying in his bed..... i would get rid of him.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?


I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?


Because guys are very visual beings.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

I would say curiosity. Don't worry about it.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Has your boyfriend done this? He sounds a bit obsessed. So, I would say "intentional". If he's visiting her myspace page, I assume there's a way he could leave her a message, correct? He's going beyond curious.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

are you mad

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

If were to do something like that, (even though that is a unusual thing to do) it would be out of curiousity to see if the star had a myspace page. That's just me, his motives could be anything.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

this must have happpened to you huh?

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Porn rocks, and since it is a fantasy, as long as he isn't obsessing over it, or it interferes with normal life stuff, then go with the flow. It is normal.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

If i was to wake up next to a sleeping! I would cuddle up and lay with her till she woke up! That or go make her some breakfast...mmm..

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

You should wake your girlfriend up and the both of you watch a good porn flick, and have some wild sex together.. then the both of you can take a nap.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Well, I happen to know that when a girl in a porn movie screams out for her partner to perform a certain action "harder, deeper, faster" that she's actually screaming for ME to do that.

So, obviously, it would be rude of me not to look her up after such a heartfelt request and offer to fulfill her fervent desires for the satisfaction that only I can provide.

At least, that's MY interpretation of these movies....

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Thats a new approach, if the porn star has a myspace profile and you become a bit of a fan of their work then I guess its okay.

There is nothing wrong with porn in gereral so it would be no different than searching for the profile of a popstar for instance. I starred in three porn films and I never had or wanted to further my familiarity with the audience. Although myspace wasnt around then.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Females have their soaps, fairy tales , and romance novels.

Men have porn.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

I think that if anyone's getting up in the middle of the night and sneaking online to surf porn on the internet, they might be a LITTLE on the obsessed side of things with regards to that.

...but if you're up in the morning and she's still asleep - and you're just looking for entertainment... what the heck, nothing wrong with that. It'd be equivalent to just flipping on the TV %26amp; channel surfing to find something interesting to watch.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

I think that is completely disrespectful.

Most guys look at it but they should be honest with their significant other about it. If mine left the bed I was laying next to him in then he would be in serious trouble and I would start to question our relationship.

My boyfriend enjoys it with me. We watch it together. We also make our own and he enjoys that with and without me. I don't care that he looks at it as long as hes honest with me. We share everything in that department.

I would make a comment to him about you watching it with him. Maybe you can get a feel for why he likes it or what he might like you to try with him.

It helps spice things up. I promise.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

As a person who searches the internet for all kinds of things that catch my curiosity, from silly games, weird news stories, historical facts, shopping bargains, etc. I can say it could just be cuirosity and probably was. It may not have been the smartest thing to do but there is nothing wrong with him. Would it bother you as much if he was alone? even if he fantasized about the star you need to remember it is just a fantasy, one that he is perfectly entitled to. You shouldn't be threatened by the fantasy. unless of course he tries to force you to be like the person or do acts that they do.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

I don't see the big deal in a guy looking up the myspace page of some porn star. It's not like anything would ever come of it - you think porn stars have time for mere mortals like your guy? They're too busy having sex on camera and believe it or not a lot of porn stars are in *gasp* commited relationships! So no porn star is out to get your guy no matter how many times he checks out her myspace page. And both sexes can enjoy porn - it's not just a guy thing. Watching porn is just a means to an end if you get what I mean. I myself have gone to the sites of different porn stars just out of boredom/curiousity. Unless your guy is spending 20 hours a day at his computer watching it I really wouldn't be too concerned. Relax and trust that your guy is only human like the rest of us. :)

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

I'm a guy and I would never do that if I'm in a serious relationship. If you are a girl and your boyfriend still watches porn then that guy isn't taking it seriously. Yeah, even I watched some porn but that was before I started serious relationships. I think it's disrespectful to watch porn and still have a serious relationship.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

This is a common problem in our sick society. The virtual world is intruding more and more into the real world and some people get them mixed up.

When a horny guy has a lover right there, and instead goes online to watch porn.. that is just too sad. Maybe it is neurotic and he can not relate to real life. I think his loving skill are probably far behind his performance skills.

He probably sees women as sex objects rather than "real" people with feelings. I would watch out for two things that he has that are too hard! The 2nd one is his heart!

:-) Good luck. You have been warned. I am not kidding.

I have a question for guys out there (regarding watching porn) (or girls if this has happened to you)?

Porn is the lazy man's answer to a relationship. Porn requires no effort from men. They just click on a link and there's a perfect looking woman who's ready and waiting for him, and he's free to engage in any fantasy he chooses.

It is completely disrespectful and it dishonors you. You must draw a clear line with him and tell him you're not willing to accept this behavior. Otherwise, you will always be sharing him with those other women.

I've heard guys that say, "but at least I'm not out at a bar or strip club picking up other women, I'm not cheating."

The answer to that is, "there is NO DIFFERENCE. You might as well be. The effect is the same."

It's all about what you're willing to accept and put up with in a relationship. If you're okay with it, no problem. If it bothers you, you have the right to say so, and even to say, "porn or me buddy."

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